22 Nov

The time-tested method of outreach practiced at these conventions is simple: Invite, engage, and allow observers to draw their own conclusions from what they are seeing.

24 Oct

“Our history, as we know it, is polluted with fabrication, silence, and misinformation, starting from the true masters of the massacre and political crimes. This is because modern democracies, often masking tyrannical regimes, use the media as instruments of disinformation and distortion of people's consciences to wage mass fear for preemptive wars. There is no future without truth and justice.”Judge Ferdinando Imposimato, Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and a JUSTICE IN FOCUS keynote speaker

09 Sep

“My final summation is that he was walking into the building, and before he got into the building there was a huge explosion, and of course the force of it just threw him back into the open area. That’s why he was picked up so quickly, because the EMTs came down there so quickly. Someone had gotten him out of there and to the morgue before the towers came down.” — Bob McIlvaine

08 Sep

Noting the many shortcomings in Bažant's analysis, which have been studied and criticized extensively since 2001, Korol and his colleagues set out to apply a much more rigorous methodology for analyzing WTC 7, which, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), collapsed from normal office fires.

02 Jul

“This open letter is being sent to you to request that you correct your four papers on the collapse of the WTC Towers, which were published by the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.” — Tony Szamboti

01 Jul

“Are you an expendable firefighter? At the moment, it would appear so.” — Brian Maxwell

19 May

Flashback — Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth founder Richard Gage, AIA, was invited to bring the evidence for the explosive demolition of the three World Trade Center towers to viewers of C-SPAN August 01, 2014, on its morning program Washington Journal. His 45-minute appearance is enabling researchers, academics and industry professionals looking into 9/11, along with their message, to reach a national television audience of millions.


25 Mar

Please join Richard Gage, AIA, of AE911Truth on our thirteen-city tour through the great Pacific Northwest.

