“As of this writing, I have given 325 presentations on the science of the World Trade Center collapses.”Dr. Niels Harrit
Out to Prove the Official Story Violates the Laws of Physics
All but the newest supporters of 9/11 Truth will have heard of the fabled Dr. Niels Harrit. Not because he taught chemistry at the University of Copenhagen until he retired in 2010.* And not because he supervised students pursuing master and doctoral degrees. Nor because he conducted research in his specialty, nano-chemistry, at the university's prestigious Nano-Science Center.
We may not even recognize him for having published and co-authored more than 60 technical papers in the best-reviewed chemistry journals over his 40-year career as a scientist.
How many of us realize that Dr. Harrit is a founding member of Scientists for 9/11 Truth? Or that he is a member of the 9/11 Consensus Panel? A paltry few, I dare say.
But . . . what does distinguish Niels Harrit in the eyes of the entire 9/11 Truth Movement is his lead authorship of a 2009 peer-reviewed paper, Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe. The paper documents the work that Harrit and his team of fellow scientists did in identifying microscopic remnants of a sophisticated pyrotechnic or explosive material, nano-thermite, in the dust left by the collapsed World Trade Center towers. The published paper adds to the growing body of compelling evidence that controlled demolition brought down WTC Buildings 1, 2, and 7 on 9/11.

These days, the retired professor travels throughout his native Denmark and beyond to deliver his presentation, in which he explains how all the available evidence demonstrates that controlled demolition brought down the three skyscrapers on September 11, 2001. Attendees of his talks receive printed materials and two DVDs, including AE911Truth's 9/11: Explosive Evidence — Experts Speak Out.
Admission fees are not always allowed at the venues in which Harrit lectures. Even when they're permitted, though, he likes to keep the fee low, thus ensuring that his lectures are easily accessible.
As an independent researcher and speaker, Harrit has been funding his lectures mostly out of his own pocket, which means he accepts a loss whenever his schedule takes him outside of Copenhagen.
That's why he recently joined the Patreon community. If he can break even on travel expenses throughout Europe and beyond, he can go to locations further afield and reach even more listeners.
To support Dr. Harrit via Patreon, one can sign up here to pay him a monthly subscription fee in the amount of one's choice.
*Niels Harrit received his Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Copenhagen in 1975 and did post-doctorate work in chemistry at New York's Columbia University in 1977.