05 Dec

True sociopaths cannot feel close to or connected with other humans or creatures. . . . They are the “monsters” in our midst who are capable of enacting atrocities such as 9/11.


18 Nov

"This is the environment for expressing the technical aspects of 9/11 — the place to invite all sides and to discuss all sides. That's part of our education." — Professor Jay Kappraff


16 Nov

Chris Mohr, the lone believer in the official conspiracy, was in the crowd. He has spent considerable time debating AE911Truth at various venues, including this venue.


15 Nov

Dan Barnum, FAIA, who has 51 years of experience designing Houston-area structures, including several high-rises, became a member of AE911Truth the first day he heard about its existence.


13 Nov

“That’s the hardest part of the work for us — getting people to open their mind and to accept another reality.” — Rick Trevino


04 Nov

"You'll see for yourself a transformation of awareness in the students. They will quickly get it. And when they do, their professors — at least those who stubbornly cling to the official story — may be in trouble." — Richard Gage


26 Oct

"I'm an optimist. I like to believe that someone didn't put a bunch of explosives somewhere in the building and it fell down. But can I say know that with 100 percent certainty? I can't." — A visitor to the AE911Truth booth at the Structural Engineering Summit


05 Oct

If enough of the world’s population does not awaken to the reality of false flags and other deceits propagated by the powerful, and in turn confront these perpetrators, we are, in essence, inviting more of the same.

