04 Aug

“The truth is, before 9/11, the term global collapse didn’t even exist. Buildings survived fires, plane crashes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, botched demolitions and even nuclear explosions. Never, before or after 9/11, have we seen such catastrophic failures.”


30 Jul

"If a conference such as SEFI 2015 cannot address the ethical lapses of the engineering peer review process, what venues are available to demand that engineers adhere to the ideals embodied in their various codes of ethics?" — Wayne Coste and Michael Smith


26 Jul

"Any time you can take the censors out of the equation and speak directly to the people you want to reach, the more control you have over the situation and the stronger the impact of your message will be." — Andrew Steele


23 Jul

The Truth Truck is "a handsome and compelling reminder of what many in society unconsciously suspect but do not dwell upon or act upon — namely, that there are shadowy forces behind our democratic process that maneuver foreign and military policy, in particular, for reasons of imperialism and profit." — Elizabeth Woodworth


21 Jul

"I was trying to appeal to the emotional side of these people, to their integrity, to the things that have brought them to the profession of architecture." — Richard Wallace


18 Jul

Fair-goers already knowledgeable about 9/11 Truth would stop by with friends and family, point to the displays, and explain the information to the others in their group.


30 Jun

"[T]hey had better not publish anything that challenges the idea that America is fundamentally good, the exceptional nation, because this is the one religious belief that cannot be challenged." — David Ray Griffin

