11 Sep

The thermal tests on the red-gray chips revealed that when they are ignited at around 430ºC, they create molten iron microspheres as a byproduct. Since iron does not melt until it reaches approximately 1538ºC, this means that a high-temperature chemical reaction occurred. Such volatile reactivity makes this type of material extremely dangerous, disqualifying it from ever being used as primer paint.

11 Sep

Those who question a premise simply because the number of adherents of that premise is deemed too small are engaging in a logical fallacy often referred to as an "appeal to majority."

11 Sep

Clusters of horizontal ejections raced down the North Tower, at times accelerating faster than debris was falling outside the building.

11 Sep

Those who would still contend that the sounds heard on 9/11 were not on par with acknowledged controlled demolitions should note a peer-reviewed paper which documented that active thermitic materials were present in the World Trade Center dust.

11 Sep

One of the observations that seems to have motivated Wood to come up with her directed energy weapon hypothesis is that the debris pile at Ground Zero does not seem to be tall enough to contain enough steel to equal what was in the Twin Towers before they came down. She departs from verifiable fact quite early with this claim.

11 Sep

If the demolition was meant to start at the North Tower's 98th floor, where there was the least amount of damage from the plane, then the plane's impact would not have had any serious effect on well-designed demolition devices placed on this floor.

11 Sep

Those who wish to do further research on this matter should follow the canons of criminal investigations and ask the tough questions, such as “Who had the means, the opportunity, and motive?” and “Qui bono? That is, who benefited?”
